Confidential Shredding and Consulting & Audits

The Experts to Call for Handling Confidential Waste

If you have old tax records, client files, if you are relocating, spring-cleaning or have simply accumulated volumes of confidential material, this service is for you. In fact the law now requires you to protect personal information from the prying eyes of others and has created PIPEDA as a guide to help organizations comply.

  • A confidential paper and a shredder

    What is PIPEDA?

    Administered by the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, PIPEDA is the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act and it is intended to protect personal information in the hands of commercial entities covering the collection, use and disclosure of such material. The law requires organizations to "destroy, erase or make anonymous personal information about individuals that it no longer needs in order to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected."

  • Kevron Recycling Incorporated Organic

    Kevron Recycling Inc., through its Confidential Shredding program, can ensure that your organization complies with the document destruction component of PIPEDA legislation.

Consulting and Audits

Our detail analysis will:

Measure quantities and types of waste produced

Identify potentially recyclable wastes

Identify the real cost of waste to individual departments within a facility

Identify opportunities to increase waste diversion rates

Calculate how 3R practices can reduce costs of doing business

Waste Assessment

This involves a walk through your organization/facility to make an assessment of the existing recycling program, adequacy of available bins, proper sorting of the waste materials, disposal methods used by the cleaners, placement and adequacy of garbage and recycling facilities, accessibility of recycling bins to visitors and location of signage/labels of the bins. Depending on the size of your organization, a Waste Assessment can take between 30 minutes to 3 hours.

Waste Audits & Waste Reduction Work plans

A waste audit is a systematic analysis to identify what types of waste are being generated, where in your organization the waste is being generated, and who is generating the waste. The waste audit provides a detailed analysis of how materials are purchased, what is brought into the facility as raw material and what goes out as waste, identifying potential 3Rs opportunities.

Upon completion of your waste audit, Kevron Recycling also prepares and presents a detailed analysis of our findings. Following the presentation of our findings, a Waste Reduction Workplan is prepared which highlights all initiatives to be taken to capture recyclable items from the waste stream. The plan will also specify timelines and assign responsibilities to various person/s.